Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment 4th Edition

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Movies are like modern-day parables that everyone can relate to. The Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment is a resource that gives a whole new purpose to movie watching. By using this book, movies will be transformed from entertainment devices into tools for healing.

Why is it that we love to see drama, intrigue, love affairs and adventures on the silver screen? It is because we all relate to the roles, behavior, and actions being portrayed. Maybe you dislike certain movies, or refuse to see shows filled with drama or violence. This is only because of concepts held in the mind like "good" and "bad" or "right" and "wrong". The purpose of watching movies with the Spirit is to push these hidden thoughts, beliefs, and emotions into our awareness so that they can be seen and released. This, in turn, expands our perception.

In order to achieve this end, we have designated three categories of movies, Metaphysical, Classic, and Mind Watcher. Furthermore, each movie comes with a list of themes along with a description that will help you watch the film from a different perspective. With over 160 different movies, there is no better backdrop for healing your mind. So call a friend, make some popcorn, and enjoy Waking Up with the movies!

(Spiral Bound - 84 pages)

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